This year, what a roller coaster it's gonna be for me! Read on to find out...
Well I am not going to make an album until late 2008 this year or any music because of my GCSE's (Improtant exams to determine my salary/college and university places.) and most of my time will be spent on my revision. Until June I will have no tracks to submit and shall be henceforth known as my dry year where very little gets done. After June I will have my exams over and at leat 10 tracks will be launched by September, then it's my AS levels :( argh, there's no end to the misery!
My logo
Yeah, It looked cool for the first few months but it looks old and shabby now.
Before any more music gets submitted this needs updating.
I'm sorry if this disapoints anyone. It's not my fault really....